Tuesday 30 July 2013


Get out of my fucking way, unless you seek the wrath of truth.

I am pissed these days.

Seriously pissed!!!!!!!!!!!

I have fucking had it with opportunistic self righteousness. I have had it with greed infested cultural norms. I am done with bullshit controlling lies disguised as media. I am exhausted of pretending like I care about government and politics.

Where are the people who stand tall and proud and refuse to take this giant mound of steaming crap we call our culture up our ignorant asses?

Where are the few that support their dreams by lifting up other peoples dream?

Are you standing for anything?

I am fucking pissed. To much me first, my situation is worse then yours, my life is tougher bull shit.

It is time to put down the fucking egos and be honest!

We are all hurting!!!!!

We are all scared!!!!

We are all waiting for help from others!!!!!

So why dont we actually learn to help each other?

With all our energy we let go of the need to protest, to fight the "system", to complain about the way things are and


All of our energy in helping out those who you believe in. Helping out those who inspire you. Helping out those who need a bit of help. Helping out those who as for help. Helping out ourselves and asking for help and being OK if someone says no, just keep asking till you get the help you need.

We can build a brilliant future and soon. It is not hard.

We just need to focus together and trust the inner callings of each and every one of us.

It is time to rise up and say no more distractions. It is time to pursue my dream and time to connect, support and surround myself with other people who are following their dreams.

Stand up. Start today. Get it fucking moving.....

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